Manage Self-Criticism & Anxiety


We are usually our own worst enemies.

We speak to ourselves in a way we would NEVER speak to a friend.

No matter how much we try some type of ‘positive thinking’ we can very quickly default to habitual negativity, self-judgement and self-criticism.

This therapy will teach you the skills of self-compassion. Based on the work of Dr Kristin Neff at the University of Texas, you will learn how to speak to yourself kindly. You will learn to stop ‘telling yourself off’, and begin accepting and taking care of the parts of you that are worried or scared and just want to look out for you, but are going about it in a way that can cause distress, anxiety and depression.

Why go through your life with a harsh self critic beating you up? This approach has a lot of research behind it - it works. Give yourself the gift of kindness and watch how you relax and start to enjoy your life - while getting things done.

If you are interested in discovering your managing your self-criticism or anxiety, email me here at or call 0408 478 664 for a free initial discussion.